AMS 5936
AMS 5936 is a sub-type specification of Stainless Steel Custom 465, available in bar, forging, and wire. It is a premium-melted martensitic alloy with a high concentration of nickel and chromium.
12Cr – 11Ni – 1.7Ti – 1Mo
Depending on the age hardening process, AMS 5936 can show improved tensile strength and fracture toughness, paired with excellent resistance to corrosion cracking.
This specification is mainly used for manufacturing of drivers and distractors in the aerospace and medical fields, for marine equipment, firearms, and hand tools, and for drill bits and shafts in oil and gas drilling machines.
AMS 5936 is very easy to fabricate with hot working at temperatures from 1850-2000° F (1010-1093° C), or cold working by drawing or rolling. It is available in multiple conditions, all with slightly different mechanical and physical properties. Different conditions of the alloy are acquired by different heat treatments.
For example, Condition H 900, H 950, H 1000, H 1050, and H 1100 are achieved with additional age hardening at temperatures of 900-1150° F (482-621° C), that gives these conditions increased strength and toughness (age hardening over 950° F).
The best condition for machining is H 1150M, which requires additional age hardening at 1400° F ± 15° F (760° C ± 8° C).