Stainless Steel A286 AMS 5858
AMS 5858 is a sub-type specification of Stainless Steel A286, a precipitation-hardenable super-alloy based on iron, nickel, and chromium. This specification is melted multiple times, and then solution heat-treated at 1800 °F (980 °C). Tech Steel & Materials offers AMS 5858 in the form of plate, sheet, and strip.
Moreover, AMS 5858 is a welding-grade specification with excellent strength at temperatures up to 1300 °F (704 °C) and exceptional corrosion resistance up to 1500 °F (816 °C). As a result, AMS 5858 is the best specification for welded parts that require high corrosion resistance. Thanks to the excellent properties, it can be used to manufacture turbine rotors, shafts, blades, flanges, dowels, fasteners, and springs in high-temperature environments, tanks, piping, and pumps.
AMS 5858 isn’t aged, which is preferable for welding. That’s because cracking can occur if the parts are already aged. Meanwhile, you can use regular welding procedures on A286, including gas tungsten arc, gas metal arc, and shielded metal arc. For the highest weld strength, the weld bead should be convex.
Besides, despite the high hardness, the alloy can be readily formed and cold-worked using common practices, increasing creep strength in the process. For achieving the best tensile strength, start with solution treatment, then continue with cold working and aging.