The Airbus E-Fan Could Mean Much Cheaper Flights In The Future


Airbus’s E-Fan 2.0 is the world’s first plane to have fully electric propulsion and represents a major breakthrough in the aviation industry.

Since the cost of fuel drives the prices of flying commercially up, developing a commercial electric passenger plane could result in much cheaper flights.

In fact, Inhabit reports a flight on “E-fan could cost only $16, compared to $55 for a flight in a petrol-powered plane of the same size.”

Airbus’s goal at the moment is to have a prototype electric passenger plane by 2030 but there are many challenges, much more so than developing electric cars.

Chief Technology Officer Jean Botti told, “It’s not like a car, where you get 1.2 or 1.5 kilowatts per kilo(gram) and make a car run for an OK distance. The problem we have in aeronautics is gravity; you have to get up to seven to 10 kilowatts per kilo(gram).”

Further of battery technologies within electric planes will be key to the success of a commercial electric plane.

Marshall Smith

Technology, engineering, and design enthusiast.

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