Home > Stainless Steel 17-7PH AMS 5529

Stainless Steel 17-7PH AMS 5529
AMS 5529 is a solution heat-treated and cold rolled sub-type specification of Stainless Steel 17-7PH which is a semi-austenitic precipitation hardening steel with high levels of Chromium and Nickel. Main qualities of AMS 5529 are high strength and hardness, excellent fatigue properties, minimal distortion upon heat treatment, good formability in the annealed condition, and good corrosion resistance.
This steel is mainly used in aerospace applications for manufacturing of flat springs, conical springs, washers, eyelets, and strain gauges. It also finds use in chemical processing equipment, heat exchangers, power boilers, superheater tubes and components that require high strength at high temperatures.
AMS 5529 is solution heat treated and precipitation hardenable, which means that Condition TH 1050 and Condition RH 950 are obtainable. These conditions are characterized by high strength and good workability using advanced fabrication techniques. AMS 5529 is available as sheet and strip with thickness of 0.0015 to 0.050 Inch (0.038 to 1.27 mm).
Because AMS 5529 displays long gummy chips during machining, a lower speed is recommended, accompanied by constant feeds. AMS 5529 parts can be welded using conventional fusion and resistance techniques. Special heat treating conditions mentioned in Stainless Steel 17-7PH, like austenite conditioning and precipitation hardening should be done after welding if high strength is wanted. Overall, due to the high concentration of Aluminum, AMS 5529 doesn’t create firm bond after welding. Weld slug formation can also arise during arc welding, which is another area that requires special care.