Stainless Steel A286 AMS 5895
AMS 5895 is a sub-type specification of Stainless Steel A286, a precipitation-hardenable super-alloy with high strength at elevated temperatures, excellent non-magnetic strength at cryogenic temperatures [down to -320 °F (-196 °C)], and good oxidation resistance up to 1300 °F (700 °C). The AMS 5895 specification comes is consumable electrode melted and then solution heat-treated at 1750°F (954°C).
Tech Steel & Materials offers this specification in the form of bar, custom tubes, forgings, rings, tubing, and wire. AMS 5895 is a welding-grade specification, with welds that provide excellent strength and corrosion resistance at high temperatures. This specification can also be readily formed and cold-worked using traditional methods.
Due to the availability of multiple shapes and easy formability, AMS 5895 finds various uses across many industries. These include jet engine parts, industrial gas turbines, superchargers, tanks, piping, pumps, non-magnetic cryogenic parts, turbine rotors, shafts, blades, flanges, dowels, fasteners, etc.
AMS 5895 doesn’t come in the aged form, which is preferable for welding. If the parts are aged, the risk of cracking increases. Meanwhile, you can use regular welding procedures, including gas tungsten arc, gas metal arc, and shielded metal arc. The resulting well will have very high strength and excellent corrosion resistance. For optimal results, the weld bead should be raised (convex).