Home > Steel 17-22A AMS 6458

Steel 17-22A(S) AMS 6458
AMS 6458 is a specification of Steel 17-22A(S), which is ultra-high-strength low alloy steel with a high percentage of Carbon, Molybdenum, Vanadium, and Chromium. Its main characteristics are excellent high-temperature strength and high heat resistance.
This specification is available as welding wire and should be used for the following Steel 17-22A(S) specifications: AMS 6302 and AMS 6385. The AMS 6458 wire can be used for welding with all traditional welding methods, such as arc welding and gas welding. Before welding, it is recommended that the parts are preheated to 600°F (315°C), followed by stress relief or post-heating.
AMS 6458 is mainly used for welding parts in aircraft applications and other parts that require high-temperature strength and heat resistance.