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  1. Apple Watch Will Soon Protect Your Hearing


    The Apple Watch was at first thought to be a replacement for your smartphone, but through the years, it has become a different breed of a smart gadget. Thanks to the plethora of sensors it possesses, the Apple Watch is mostly marketed as a fitness device, but in recent years it also became a potent […]

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  2. Amazon Launches Hexagonal Drone for Even Faster Prime Deliveries


    Delivering packages with the help of drones is certainly not a novelty, but it is still not spread enough to replace conventional methods. Amazon wants to change that with their new hexagonal drone, which was presented at their re:MARS Conference. This drone should improve the Primer Air delivery program, which is available in selected countries […]

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  3. New Credit Card That Calculates Your Carbon-Emission Spending


    How much carbon emissions does a human being produce daily? The answer to this question is not as simple as calculating the CO2 emissions from our vehicles or the electricity in our homes. It’s much more than that – every product we buy has an impact on the environment in terms of carbon emissions. Luckily […]

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  4. Experts Think That Self-Driving Vehicles are Years Away


    While we’re constantly bombarded with news of self-driving vehicles every single day, we’re also no strangers to autonomous cars having accidents. It is an undeniable fact that this technology is the way to go forward, but it is also undeniable that it is still in its infancy. Experts on the subject share this opinion and […]

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  5. The All-Electric Honda e Will Use Cameras Instead of Side Mirrors


    Side mirrors have been a staple in the automotive industry for over fifty years now. They were invented to help the driver see what happens in other road lanes, which helps with safety. While this invention certainly helped the automotive industry going forward, it seems outdated by today’s standards. The reason is quite simple – […]

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  6. U.S. Warns of Spy Dangers of Chinese-Made Drones


    Is there anything that is still secret in our digital world today? How secure is your everyday movements, day to day routines and most intimate information? Are we really protected by firewalls and passwords to secure our most precious information? Have we become so gullible to accept the big banners on software promotions promising just […]

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  7. The U.S. Navy to Facelift Existing Missile Submarine Fleet


    The Navy “Boats” Ohio (1981 to 1997) Virginia (2000 – present) Planned – Columbia The U.S. Navy Ohio class submarines are reaching their age out date. The current 14 Ohio-class ballistic missile submarines have been in service between 1981 and 1997. The new Columbia class submarine, in conjunction with the existing Virginia class submarine, is meant to take […]

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  8. Here’s How Ducati’s First Electric Motorcycle May Look


    CEO Claudio Domenicali has confirmed Ducati’s commitment to its electric motorbike future ventures while speaking at a Motostudent event in Spain. “The future is electric, we’re not far from starting series production,” he commented. Ducati enthusiastic are sitting on the edge of their seats, motorbike seats. There is a buzz amongst motorbike fans to get […]

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  9. Ford’s Foldable Robot Could Soon Be Delivering Your Packages


    With so many robots available on the market, why would Ford show interest in a walking delivery robot? It’s all about autonomous vehicles and the need for the automated delivery of goods to your doorstep. Ford partnered with the Oregon-based startup company called Agility Robotics saw an opportunity to solve delivery issues for the US postal service […]

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  10. ABB & Siemens Test Subsea Power Grids for Underwater Factories


    As the need for more natural resources increase daily, offshore oil and gas-drilling technology is migrating from floating platforms to the seafloor. This will not only increase the production, but remove current hazards caused by icebergs and hurricanes. Pumps, compressors and separators moved down to the seafloor decades ago, requires electricity. Presently an impractical web of […]

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  11. SpaceX Confirms Dragon II Explosion


    The Dragon II capsule that carried out a non-piloted test flight to the ISS in March has exploded during a later test on the ground, as confirmed by the SpaceX vice president, Hans Koenigsmann. The explosive event was already apparent from a video that leaked late last month, but the level of the vessel’s destruction […]

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  12. BAE’s Magma Demonstrates Breakthrough ‘Blown-Air’ Flap-Free Flight Technologies


    Modern aircraft rely on complex moveable flight control surfaces to maneuver their path through the air. BAE Systems revolutionize the future aircraft design First time in history, a flapless unmanned aircraft has been maneuvered in flight by replacing moving surfaces with the blown air technology. UK‘s largest defense and security company BAE Systems has performed flight […]

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  13. GM Recalls Trucks Due to Engine Block Heater Cord Fires


    In December 2018, a quality engineer submitted a report to the company’s Speak Up for Safety program which resulted in an investigation which concluded that there were 19 fire claims caused by a faulty optional engine block cord. The faulty cord is only applicable to diesel engines where it is used to heat up the […]

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  14. Nasa Uncovers 20-Year Aluminum Scheme That Caused 2 Failed Missions


    In a settlement agreement, an Oregon aluminum extrusion manufacturer, Sapa Profiles, Inc., has agreed to pay $46 million to NASA, the Department of Defense, and others to resolve criminal charges and civil claims relating to a 19-year fraud scheme. Federal prosecutors concluded that Hydro Extrusion Portland, Inc., formerly known as Sapa Profiles Inc. (SPI), and […]

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  15. The Goodyear AERO – A Concept Tire for Autonomous, Flying Cars


    Technology has come a long way since the first application of the wooden wheel in 4500–3300 BCE i.e. the Neolithic Age. Since the first patented pneumatic tire by Scottish inventor Robert William Thomson in 1847, we’ve had everything else in between up until the 21st Century, which included white wall, radial, low profile, off-road, snow, all […]

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  16. Technology That Monitors the Wiring in Building and Ships


    Have you ever had a shocking experience (pardon the pun) when you received your energy bill? Weep no more. Thanks to the latest NILM (non-intrusive load monitoring) technology, expensive energy and repair bills will soon be something of the past by monitoring the state of electrical appliances. The Concept Often referred to as a “recording” […]

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  17. Blood Samples Delivered by UPS Drones Across North Carolina


    Medical samples are vital elements in many hospitals. Their transport, however, gets complicated when the amount of blood or tissue samples increases. UPS recently decided to tackle this problem. The company started to move medical specimens with unmanned drones. So, the futuristic idea about drone deliveries for various industries just got real. Their drone-delivery scheme […]

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  18. Sustainable Floating Cities Might be the Answer


    Global warming is still the most critical thing that humankind should care about, especially in the wake of rising sea levels that can destroy whole coastal cities. While preventing this from happening is the best solution, a company named Oceanix already has plans for towns and urban areas that will be most affected by this […]

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  19. How Can Bacteria Protect Roads from Deicer Deterioration


    Researchers from Drexel University are looking into new methods to make road infrastructure more robust. The unique mixture of concrete and bacteria could eliminate dangerous road deterioration. “Road salts” (chemical compounds such as calcium chloride) have the use in de-icing of the roads throughout the world. The potholes they leave behind, however, can break down […]

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