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Category Archive: Industry News

  1. Zapata Ezfly: The Aerial Segway Anyone Can Fly


    For the past several years, inventors have been coming up with some incredible flying car designs. But the search for a viable flying car — one that doesn’t look too silly — is still on. Meanwhile, French inventor Franky Zapata has revealed a “Segway of the sky” — the Zapata Ezfly hoverboard. Zapata amazed the […]

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  2. Lightyear One: World’s First Fully Solar-Powered Car


    Considering the many problems associated with air pollution and the fact of worldwide climate change, electric cars give us the hope of building a cleaner and greener future. However, present battery technology, which requires frequent time-consuming recharging, and the lack of well-distributed charging stations combine to make electric cars less preferable. But things are going […]

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  3. Self-Healing Glass Could Fix Shattered Phone Screens


    Your smartphone is great until you crack the screen and have to pay half the cost of the phone to get it repaired. But in the near future, your phone may feature a screen that will heal itself when shattered. A researcher at the University of Tokyo has developed a polymer that soon will make […]

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  4. India Gearing Up for Second Moon Mission in 2018


    In 2013, China landed a rover called Yutu on the moon. Since then, there have been no manned or unmanned moon landings. But India is soon going to join the ranks of the moon landers The Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) plans to land its very first lunar rover by the end of March 2018. […]

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  5. This Titanium iPhone Case Costs More Than Phone Itself


    Typically, when someone purchases a new gadget, such as a smartphone or a tablet, he or she will set aside part of the budget for accessories. The accessories are supposed to cost a fraction of the price of the gadget. Not so with this new titanium iPhone case. Aimed at users for whom price is […]

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  6. Graphene Vibrations: Clean, Limitless Energy Source?


    In a big breakthrough, researchers from the University of Arkansas discovered an unusual property of graphene with several world-changing potential applications. They found that graphene vibrations could be used as a source of clean and potentially unlimited energy. Graphene is a single slice of graphite, consisting of a lattice of carbon atoms that is just […]

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  7. Rocket Lab Plans To Launch Its Electron Rocket For The Second Time


    US startup Rocket Lab aims to carry out its second launch of the company’s experimental Electron Rocket sometime in the next week or so. The plan is to send the rocket into orbit, and if successful, will prove the Electron Rocket is prepared to eventually send small commercial payloads to orbit in the future. There’s […]

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  8. Koenigsegg Agera RS: Fastest Production Car on the Planet


    Recently, the Koenigsegg Agera RS smashed the record for the world’s fastest production car. Driven by factory driver Niklas Lilja, the car reached a top speed of 284.55 miles per hour on a closed section of public road in Pahrump, Nev. During its first run, when the Koenigsegg faced more uphill than downhill, it reached a […]

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  9. Transparent Solar Cells Turn Windows Into Solar Panels


    Worldwide, solar energy technology is growing day by day, becoming both cheaper and more efficient. With record-setting solar farms, it is the cheapest source of energy in many countries. When we think of solar panels, a picture of bulky units of solar panels installed on rooftops comes to mind. However, with this mind-blowing invention by […]

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  10. World’s First Negative Emissions Power Plant


    Scientists have discovered a powerful weapon in the fight against global warming. The world’s first negative emissions power plant has opened in Iceland. With the vital issue of global warming in mind, Iceland has gone beyond zero by developing a power plant that actually removes CO2 from the atmosphere. World’s first power plant that eliminates more CO2 than it produces Researchers at the Swiss […]

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  11. Lockheed Martin Laser Weapon Shoots Down Aerial Drones


    Drones have no doubt opened a world of possibilities for carrying out some amazing and useful tasks. These versatile, pilotless flying machines have proved their usefulness in areas such as aerial photography, surveillance, and law enforcement. And their potential for the future is nearly limitless. But the proliferation of the technology also poses a series […]

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  12. Alphabet’s Project Loon Deploys LTE Balloons To Puerto Rico


    In collaboration with the Federal Communications Commission, the Federal Aviation Authority, FEMA, and other cellular spectrum and aviation authorities, Alphabet’s Project Loon has officially deployed its LTE balloons to Puerto Rico. The ultimate goal is to help bring connectivity to areas of the island still experiencing the effects of Hurricane Maria. AT&T, Loon’s official partner […]

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