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Category Archive: Power Plants

  1. 10 Facts About the Nickel Element


    Nickel (NI) is among the most abundant materials on Earth. It’s also among the most widely used material on the planet. Most nickel is located in the planet’s core, more than 1800 miles beneath the Earth’s crust. A silvery-white material with a slight gold tinge, nickel has a relative atomic mass of 58.69, a density of 8.9g […]

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  2. Inconel Alloys VS Stainless Steel: Which is Stronger?


    Are Inconel alloys stronger than stainless steel? That’s a frequently asked question. Which alloy is stronger depends on how one defines the word “stronger.” Unfortunately, there are several ways to measure a material’s strength. You can measure strength by a material’s tensile strength, yield strength, hardness, or compressive strength. A material’s strength also depends on […]

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  3. What Is The Difference Between Inconel and Incoloy?


    Choosing a suitable alloy for an industrial application is challenging. No doubt about it. You must find the right balance of characteristics and properties to arrive at an alloy that’s ideal for your production process, application need, and available budget. Choosing between Inconel® or Incoloy® alloys is especially challenging. The trick is finding a suitable […]

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  4. What Metals Don’t Rust or Corrode


    Rust and corrosion are some of the biggest enemies of metals. These deficiencies can lower the strength of the part over time, and in some circumstances, become a safety issue. There is a difference between rust and corrosion, though. Rust is generally used to describe the oxidation of iron and iron-based alloys only. Usually, rust […]

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  5. Which Metals Conduct Heat the Best/Fastest


    Thermal conductivity is a crucial quality of metals since it measures the amount and speed of heat the material can displace. This quality is especially important in high-temperature environments. Extremely high temperatures can change the properties of any metal, usually reducing the strength. Therefore, conducting the heat quicker can significantly reduce the stress on the […]

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  6. Transparent Solar Panels for Windows Hit Record Efficiency


    Researchers from the University of Michigan recently achieved an efficiency record for transparent solar cells. This innovation could pave the way for skyscraper windows to serve as power sources. Researchers used an organic, carbon-based design of solar panels that led to this incredible breakthrough. They broke the previous efficiency record and hit the all-time high of […]

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  7. New Approaches to Strengthening Power Grid Resiliency


    The article, “Overview of Autonomous In-situ Resource Planning for High-Power Generating Stations,” describes how scientists used AI to define three optimal “resource planning approaches” to help operators regulate the voltage of high-power voltage variation (HVPV), the rate at which power fluctuations impact the energy storage systems required to preserve grid reliability. Autonomous Planning Systems “Autonomous […]

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  8. America Invests Millions in “Tiny” Nuclear Reactors


    The U.S. Department of Energy (DoE) has launched a new program to fund the development of two “tiny” nuclear reactors called “NuScale”. The cost of the program reaches a total of $230 million and can be considered a pilot testing project. For starters, two of these modular nuclear reactors will be built for purposes of […]

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  9. Construction of the Largest Fusion Reactor in the World has Began


    The world’s largest fusion reactor has entered the construction phase, and it’s planned for activation in 2025. Named the “International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor”, the project started about three decades ago and was initially co-funded by the EU, USA, Russia, China, India, Japan, and South Korea. That said, it’s a global effort to create something that […]

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  10. Aerospace Composite Parts, Without the Autoclave


    When you talk about the new aerospace composite parts, engineers usually put layers of carbon composite woven over one another, and they bake this with pressure in a vacuum to create layers as one light and the robust aerospace composite part. These techniques have been around for many years now, and MIT researchers are trying […]

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  11. Powder Metallurgy Steel Making


    Conventional steelmaking using electric-arc furnaces and decarburization is still very common. However, the internal structure of the cast ingots made with this process isn’t uniform, which negatively affects the qualities of the steel. Sure, a hot method can be used on the ingots to break up the segregated structure, but the structure still won’t be […]

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  12. What is Metal Extrusion?


    Metal extrusion is a process used to create longer objects with a fixed profile by pushing a cylindrical billet inside a closed cavity. The end product is called an extrudate and can have several desired characteristics and qualities. The metal extrusion process was patented by Joseph Bramah and is regularly used to create parts from […]

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  13. What is “Nominal Pipe Size”?


    You’ve probably encountered the abbreviation NPS previously on our or similar websites. It means “Nominal Pipe Size,” and it is the North American standard for measuring pipe sizes used for various pressures and temperatures. The NPS standard is widely accepted in the USA, but some things have to be observed correctly in order to find […]

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  14. Tesla Warns Of Shortage of Minerals Required In the Making of Rechargeable Batteries


    Electric mobility continues to grow rapidly; this sector is seeing some phenomenon growth at an incredible pace. There is an increased demand for the minerals needed to produce lithium-ion battery cells, including lithium, nickel, and copper. Mineral shortages could restrict the rapid growth of the electric vehicle According to Germany’s Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), […]

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  15. First Rechargeable Carbon-Neutral, Carbon-Dioxide Battery


    Li-ion batteries are seemingly everywhere, powering everything from our smartphones to electric cars. While we can undoubtedly thank this technology for lowering the emissions in the automotive industry, Li-ion batteries are still not as eco-friendly as one might think. More precisely, the manufacturing of Li-ion batteries produces a lot of CO2 emissions. But what if […]

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  16. MIT Close to Presenting a Feasible Nuclear Fusion Reactor


    The MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) has announced that they have received a final push in the form of a $64 million investment, which will allegedly help them take the final step in the development of a working nuclear fusion reactor. The investment group includes MIT’s internal financial support organization called “The Engine”, the Italian […]

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  17. ABB & Siemens Test Subsea Power Grids for Underwater Factories


    As the need for more natural resources increase daily, offshore oil and gas-drilling technology is migrating from floating platforms to the seafloor. This will not only increase the production, but remove current hazards caused by icebergs and hurricanes. Pumps, compressors and separators moved down to the seafloor decades ago, requires electricity. Presently an impractical web of […]

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