Airbus Might Up A320 Output To 50/Month In 2017… Narrow Gap With Boeing


Airbus has announced it will potentially raise its A320 output to 50 jets a month by 2017, in an effort to rival Boeing.

Production of the jets would go from 48 aircraft a month during 2016 to 50 a month in 2017, said a senior industry source this week.

Currently, Airbus is producing 42 jets of the company’s popular A320 a month.

Airbus jet division Chief Executive Fabrice Bregier has promised to make a final decision on whether or not the European planemaker will indeed raise production by June of this year.

Why is this decision important for Airbus?

Simple… Boeing announced plans to raise production of its 737 model to 52 a month in 2018, up from 42 now. Boeing also expects to reach 47 a month in 2017.

The company believes eventually producing 58 a month is attainable as well, so it is pertinent Airbus keeps up with its most fierce competitor.

Marshall Smith

Technology, engineering, and design enthusiast.

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