Canadian Solar Inc Agrees to Build Its Largest Power Plant In Japan


The third-biggest solar-panel producer in the world, Canadian Solar Inc., has announced it will build its largest power plant in Japan.

Ontario-based Canadian Solar has a 20-year contract to supply power to Kyushu Electric Power Co. for 36 yen (30 U.S. cents) a kilowatt-hour.

The 47-megawatt Mashiki project on the island of Kyushu is expected to begin commercial operations in the first quarter of 2017, obviously barring any setbacks.

Japan will reportedly become the second biggest market for photovoltaic power, after China, if the country can meet its goal of installing 12.7 gigawatts of solar panels this year.

Japan’s increase in solar panel installation is expected to be up 23 percent from last year alone.

Marshall Smith

Technology, engineering, and design enthusiast.

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