First Ever Boeing 727 Scheduled To Make Final Flight This Week


The Boeing 727 prototype’s final flight is scheduled to take place Wednesday of this week, at 10:30 a.m. from Paine Field in Washington.

After sitting on the ground for the past 25 years while the Museum of Flight Restoration Center worked on getting the plane ready to take to the skies one last time, the first ever Boeing 727 is finally in good enough condition for a proper sendoff.

Bob Bogash, who spearheaded the the Museum of Flight Restoration Center’s efforts, said, “I want to see an airplane that flew in to the museum,” rather than one that was shipped there.

Last week, the Boeing 727 prototype stretched its legs so to speak, as the aircraft’s three Pratt & Whitney JT8D engines roared to life and successfully completed its high-speed taxi test.

After the Boeing 727’s final flight, the plane will be on display first at the Museum of Flight in Seattle, then later moved across the road to the museum’s new Aircraft Pavilion.

Marshall Smith

Technology, engineering, and design enthusiast.

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