First Images of the JTLV, Responsible For Replacing the US Military’s Humvee


The US military’s Humvee has become an iconic vehicle over the years, and even though it has widespread admiration, the vehicle itself is old.

As a result, the military awarded the $6.7 billion contract to replace the Humvee to Wisconsin-based truck maker Oshkosh.

Oshkosh is expected to produce approximately 17,000 Joint Light Tactical Vehicles (JLTVs) over the course of the deal, which come in badass two- and four-seat variations.

If you need convincing as to why the JTLV will be a good replacement for the Humvee then check out some of the specs and pictures below:

Core1080 Crew Protection System
Mine resistance
IED detection
Bolt-on armor
Optional turret and missile launch units
Electronic suspension
70 percent faster than the best tactical wheeled vehicle on the market

Via: IndustryTap

Marshall Smith

Technology, engineering, and design enthusiast.

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