This Guy Took a Sledgehammer to the All-New Aluminum 2015 Ford F-150…See the Results!


Techsteel blog cover

Well, people asked for it, so the folks at delivered with a video of a guy taking a sledgehammer to the quarter panel of Ford’s new aluminum 2015 Ford F-150.

The quarter panel was specifically chosen as the area of the truck to take the abuse because it is arguably one of the hardest parts of the aluminum F-150s to replace.

As you can see in the video below, the aluminum holds up relatively well, better than I thought it would, but what we don’t know is how much Ford dealerships are going to charge for the type of damage the sledgehammer did to Ford’s aluminum-bodied truck.

All in all, it looks like the new F-150s can take a hit, but how much of a hit will owners of the truck will take for a repair bill like this one remains to be seen.

Marshall Smith

Technology, engineering, and design enthusiast.

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