Specialized tools for EVA activities made from MP35N AMS 5844


Did you ever have a need for a specialized tool for your project, replacement parts for your car, or just to make your job easier? Think about how tough it would be in space. There is no automotive parts store close by, to purchase one that’s for sure.  For construction purposes specialized sockets were crafted for astronauts to complete their tasks assembling the International Space Station (ISS).

Some of these tools consisted of, 12 point sockets constructed from MP35N AMS 5844, Socket Extensions on various lengths from 3 inches to 18 inches made from 455 Stainless AMS 5617, and aluminum ratchets. These tools were used on various missions including STS-37,49,51 and 57.

Some of the fasteners used to assemble these complex space craft also were designed from super alloys. One of the most commonly used is A286 AMS 5737. This alloy is used in the Shuttle’s umbilical, as well as the Solid Rocket Boosters (SRB’s)

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